Must Read Papers Human Capital Management Impact October 1, 2020

2020 Career Navigation Technology Market Scan

The continuing economic crisis of 2020 revealed some bare truths that persisted even before COVID:  21st century workers, especially lower and middle skilled, will need to navigate career paths more defined by variety and near-constant change than consistency.

Building a stable, sustainable working life across the many jobs and industries that make up a contemporary career requires a new set of skills: adaptability, resilience, self-reflection, and self-directed lifelong learning.

What’s clear is that platforms for employers seeking workers are seemingly everywhere, as are tools for corporate and white-collar workers looking for new professional opportunities. But for the well over half of American workers in entry-level or mid-skill jobs, the process of finding a career is chaotic, seemingly random, and ultimately broken.

This is why Tyton Partners worked closely with JFFLabs—the innovative arm of JFF—on its latest market scan: Career Navigation Technology 2020. The market scan focuses on the millions of workers too often overlooked or underserved by traditional approaches to career navigation. Framing career navigation as a lifelong process that involves workers, employers, and other intermediaries, such as schools and workforce boards, the report delves into the dynamics shaping the career navigation technology market, identifying innovations, trends, and areas of opportunity.

In the scan, it is revealed that this moment—and this market—is ready for a new generation of career navigation tools to help tens of millions of people find new careers and meaningful and economically transformative work, at scale.

“This market scan offers a road map through the complex and messy ecosystem of career navigation—for workers, we know this report will give you hope that there are tools out there made just for you—and they could be your key to finding a meaningful and evolving lifelong career journey.”

– Andrea Mainelli, Senior Advisor, and Adam Newman, Founder & Managing Partner, Tyton Partners

Download the full Market Scan and contact us to schedule a briefing or conversation to help you discover the current and upcoming trends in career navigation tools and investments, and how we can assist your company or organization.