Must Read Founder's Five Higher Ed October 6, 2023

Founder’s Five: Dongsook Whitehead, Connect for Education (C4E)

Founder’s Five is a continuing series from Tyton Partners that invites education company founders to shed light on their own success and illuminate the landscape for other education entrepreneurs and investors by answering five basic questions.

Dongsook Whitehead founded Connect for Education in 1996 to create a more accessible, online approach to music instruction.

Connect for Education (C4E) was founded in 1996 by Dongsook and Bruce Whitehead and Carlos Maldonado as an online learning platform in the service of a new, more accessible approach to music instruction.

Today, the C4E platform employs audio and video features to deliver high-quality, interactive, and engaging post-secondary courses in music, humanities, social sciences, and other in-demand subjects. Courses are developed by experienced instructors and available to both individuals and institutions through a flexible subscription, as well as per-course pricing. C4E also offers a suite of recently developed, technology-based products, with a vision for platform expansion.

What is your company’s origin story?

In the summer years ago, when my California home buzzed with the energy of 67 music students from Korea visiting California State University Northridge, the seed of Connect For Education (C4E) was sown. Amid the lively conversations and melodies, I was not only a host and a musician but also a Korean mother of a teenager, nurturing our daughter, KimMi, to navigate her path to academic success.

That day, Carlos Maldonado, a professor at the university, entered our lives. He was known as one of the “Cyber Seven,” a group of professors in the Cal State University System committed to integrating innovative Internet technologies into their teaching methods. Carlos shared his vision of using technology to enhance the music discipline, specifically through the development and delivery of Web-based interactive learning experiences. These included assessment methods to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and learning outcomes – a radical concept that piqued my interest as a long-standing member of a family of passionate educators.

Empowered by Carlos’ vision and my familial legacy, I recognized an opportunity to broaden the scope of this innovative approach to learning. I was motivated by my cultural background and maternal instincts to create a platform that could support diverse learners globally, challenging the conventional norms in education and societal expectations of a Korean woman like me. To turn this vision into reality, I, alongside Carlos and my supportive husband Bruce, embarked on a journey of entrepreneurship.

Over the next few years, we dedicated ourselves to extensive research and development, shaping a technically and instructionally scalable prototype. This led to the birth of Connect For Education (C4E), a testament to our collective faith in the transformative power of education.

I look back on our journey with gratitude and humility. Today, as a co-founder of C4E, I am proud to challenge cultural and gender barriers, and I am committed to shaping the educational landscape to be more inclusive and effective.

How will the market be changed by your company’s success?

At C4E, our mission is to revolutionize educational practices and processes, particularly within the multifaceted and nuanced field of music. Our vision? To place control back in the hands of educators, equipping them with comprehensive, time-efficient, and cost-effective teaching tools that foster every aspect of teaching and learning.

Our suite of innovative products and services aims to alleviate major teaching challenges, freeing educators to focus on their passion: teaching. An example is our AI-driven instructional and assessment tool, InjiAI. This powerful technology streamlines the delivery of course materials, provides a vast array of learning resources, and offers an intuitive platform for creating and grading assessments. By centralizing these functions, InjiAI saves teachers valuable time and energy.

We underscore the critical role of music education, grounded in the wealth of scientific research that highlights its influence on child development. Music is not just a recreational activity; it’s a catalyst for fostering social and emotional well-being and accelerating brain development in young children.

Recognizing these benefits and our responsibility, we envision a future where every school can offer comprehensive music programs to all students. We’re aware of the practical constraints that schools face – budget, resources, staffing – and our solutions are designed with scalability and affordability in mind.

With C4E’s tools, schools can diversify their music programs. Options could range from remote instrument lessons given by expert teachers nationwide, to tech-driven music theory courses, and even specialized courses on world music and ethnic studies offered at community colleges and universities nationwide. Our goal is to ensure music education is within reach for all students, across all subjects and class types, fostering a more well-rounded and enriching educational experience.

What do you know now that you wish you had known when you began?

Understanding the intricacies of fostering change in education is a complex journey. Initially, we assumed that academia, the heart of knowledge and progress, would spearhead this transformation. The reality, however, proved different. 

Yet, we’ve noticed an inspiring trend among the new generation of teachers. Raised amidst the advancements of digital technology, they are embracing innovative teaching methods with enthusiasm and openness. This fresh wave of educators signals a promising shift towards integrating modern technology in classrooms, paving the way for a transformed education landscape. 

This fresh wave of educators signals a promising shift towards integrating modern technology in classrooms, paving the way for a transformed education landscape.

Dongsook Whitehead

What non-intuitive insight have you gained through this work?

Our work has affirmed our original belief that schools, teachers, and students each have unique needs that must be met for them to succeed. The ‘one size fits all’ concept has no place in the market we serve. Our primary business focus has always been, and will continue to be, empowering teachers to succeed, which, in turn, results in student success. This means offering a range of flexible solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of educators.

Do we claim to have all the answers? Not at all. The community we serve is one of the most dynamic, progressive, and forward-thinking in the world. Changes happen at a rapid page, and it’s our duty to adapt to these changes and evolving needs. It’s precisely this dynamism that keeps our work exciting and leaves ample room for growth and innovation. 

What particularly intrigues me about Breakthrough is their steadfast commitment to their core values and the transformative power of education. They believe in the significance of early intervention in young people’s lives and the impact it can have on their future. Their program is rigorous and creative, with a strong emphasis on fostering relationships. It’s a shining example of how student can be setup for success.

What other education company besides your own do you wish you had started?

I would highlight Breakthrough Greater Philadelphia. Although not strictly a company, its mission and approach to education are truly commendable.

Breakthrough is a non-profit, tuition-free middle school committed to establishing a more equitable education system. They have a dual-focused strategy aimed at educational equity and diversity. Firstly, they strive to close opportunity gaps for highly motivated middle school students who have limited educational resources. Secondly, they work to develop a diverse and talented educator workforce.

What particularly intrigues me about Breakthrough is their steadfast commitment to their core values and the transformative power of education. They believe in the significance of early intervention in young people’s lives and the impact it can have on their future. Their program is rigorous and creative, with a strong emphasis on fostering relationships. It’s a shining example of how student can be setup for success.