2024 Education Sector Deal Recap: Increasing Volume Offers Momentum into 2025
February 12, 2025 BlogEducation sector transaction activity bounced back in 2024 following the plummet experienced in 2023. Announced deal volume was…
We are excited to be a sponsor at this year’s ASU+GSV Summit. After a year away, we are eager to use the week in San Diego to visit and reconnect on the important issues occurring across K12, Higher Education, Workforce Development, and Impact Investing, as well as driving toward new solutions in for-profit and nonprofit settings. Whatever your focus, we hope to connect with you to discuss how these trends may affect your organization.
Mark your calendars because we are leading and participating in several high-value sessions important to the future of the education industry.
Monday, 8/9: 4:25pm PT-5:05pm PT, Coronado B, Level 4
School Disrupted: The Impact of COVID-19 on Parent Agency and the K-12 Ecosystem
The pandemic wreaked as much havoc on parents and their decision-making regarding their children’s education as it did on K-12 schools and districts. Since Fall 2020, Tyton Partners has surveyed nearly 9,000 parents – across three time periods – to understand the factors influencing the educational choices they made for their children, both in terms of their “primary” school experience and the “supplemental” investments in learning pods, enrichment activities, and other educational resources and apps. This panel will share selected findings from this initiative, including what models and behaviors are anticipated to persist, how those may vary by parents’ and children’s socio-economic circumstances, as well as where parents plan to allocate their financial resources in support of their children’s education in the future. Importantly, we will address these findings with a set of stakeholders actively addressing parents’ challenges and aspirations through this period and interrogate the pandemic’s lasting impact on our K-12 community.
Tuesday, 8/10: 10:10am PT-10:50am PT, Harbor G
What Higher Ed Instructors Need. A.D. From Digital Learning Providers
Over the course of the pandemic, instructors, course designers, and institutional leaders worked to quickly pivot to integrate digital teaching and learning techniques into their courses. Instructors rushed to adopt new digital tools and experiment with new instructional approaches. This herculean effort created significant silver linings and benefits for learners and instructors who saw unexpected benefits. However, it also exposed gaps including access and implementation challenges that need to be urgently addressed by suppliers and institutions. Tyton Partners has been monitoring instructor adoption of digital course materials since 2015, through Time for Class. During 2020 and 2021 over 11,000 faculty at more than 2,000 institutions have shared their experiences and preferences for instruction, course challenges, and use of digital tools. Using this as a jumping off point, in this session we will focus on: How instructors and institutions are selecting, implementing, and using digital learning materials and how this is changing; Where current tools in the market are falling short and opportunities to better support instructors emerging needs; How we can better build and implement tools that support equitable teaching.
Tuesday, 8/10: 10:55am PT-11:35am PT, Seaport Ballroom F, Level 2
Transformative Partnerships in Higher Education
Colleges and universities are experiencing a wave of change inspired by COVID-19. The growth trajectory of the educational landscape knows no bounds – new offerings, paths to education, and ultimate success has given students more control over their futures than ever before. For higher education leaders, this period of significant and rapid change presents a unique opportunity to harness new forms of partnership to achieve lasting, impactful, and transformative results. To better understand what transformation means to higher education we are going to the source. Tyton Partners will moderate a session between four prominent university presidents as they discuss how to navigate the future of the post-secondary experience.
Tuesday, 8/10: 2:00 pm PT-2:45pm PT, Virtual
Tackling Persistent Barriers to Improving Advising Technology, Policies, and Practices
Tyton’s Driving Toward a Degree survey highlights key barriers to implementing successful holistic advising practices and provides an overview of the current advising technology marketplace. Join this interactive session to see technology market shifts and key findings related to addressing advising inequities, discuss these findings with colleagues, and learn about the Advising Success Network resources available to institution
Tuesday, 8/10: 2:10 pm PT–2:50 pm PT, Seaport F
Impact and Efficacy in the Education Sector
How do you measure quality and drive positive outcomes in the education sector? As several recent studies suggest, including one by the University of Pennsylvania, many school districts are investing in education technology that is going un- or under-utilized. Low student engagement leading to poor outcomes may prove to be the Achilles’ heel of EdTech. Fortunately, there is not just an art, but also a science to driving high quality student outcomes in the education sector. Engage with a group of leading entrepreneurs and investors in discussing some case studies of the interventions considered “best-in-class.”
Wednesday, 8/11: 10:55am PT-11:35am PT, Coronado B, Level 4
Finding Your Place: K12 Social Emotional Learning and New Normal
The twin pandemics of COVID-19 and the fight for racial equity have drastically changed our world, especially as it relates to education. Educators have been forced to reimagine student learning, which has directly impacted the social emotional and mental health of students, teachers and parents. At the same time, educators and administrators are grappling with how to deploy curricula, teaching methods, and SEL techniques to promote equity.
This session is centered upon Tyton Partners’ research findings around the current and future state of SEL in K-12 and brings together a panel of experts and companies that are working to support educators, students, and families through the adjustment to our new normal and a return to in-person learning. We will explore the response of the marketplace to the SEL needs of K-12 educators and discuss how investors, philanthropy, suppliers, and thought leaders can participate in the development of this critical ecosystem.
We hope to connect with you in person at ASU+GSV 2021.