Listening to Learners

Stay Safe, Stay Informed: How Awareness of Support Services and Safety Relate to Re-enrollment


Listening to Learners 2024 links student perspectives on learning and support to institution-level practices and technologies. Connecting institutional and student perspectives enables stakeholders and partners to explore their impact on student success, access and equity, and overall institutional satisfaction.


Listening to Learners is one of three research publications that Tyton Partners runs annually to measure market trends in supporting student success in and outside of the classroom. Learn more about Time for Class and Driving Toward and Degree.


Safety is a topic that does not get discussed during advising meetings despite strong correlation with likelihood to re-enroll​.

Learner Awareness

Learner awareness of student support services needs improvement and could drive re-enrollment​

Cost of Basic Needs

Costs of basic needs (internet and device) cause stress for many students; course material costs remain a factor for many when selecting courses​

GenAI Use

Generative AI use in teaching and learning and student support services are still nascent but increased familiarity creates opportunity to improve outcomes​

Stopped-out Students

Previously stopped out learners are more sensitive to FAFSA delays than continuing students​

Equity-Excellence Imperative

Measuring student performance in the classroom and utilization of supports by race, ethnicity, and financial need is still not a common practice​

Additional Information

Have any questions? Continue the conversation below, learn about how this research was made possible, and dive into the demographics of our Listening to Learners 2024 survey.

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