Jay Anand

  • janand@tytonpartners.com
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Jay Anand is an Associate and joined Tyton Partners in September 2023 in the strategy consulting practice.

Prior to joining Tyton Partners full time, Jay was a Teach for America Corps member in Dallas ISD where he taught high school math to 9th-12th graders in an early college high school program. In addition to teaching, Jay led testing strategy for dual enrollment students, served as the SEL representative for his school and assisted with graduation plans for junior and senior students. His favorite job was coaching the tennis team to back-to-back district championships. While teaching, he also served as a Kode with Klossy instructor for students learning web development skills and interned with Tyton Partners during the summer of 2022.

Prior to teaching, Jay earned a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Business Administration, and Master in Professional Accounting from the University of Texas at Austin.