Junseo Kim

Senior Associate   
  • jkim@tytonpartners.com
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Jun Kim is a Senior Associate in the strategy consulting practice. He initially joined Tyton Partners for a 6-month co-op in 2021 and joined the team full-time in June 2022.

Prior to joining Tyton, Jun worked at the Feynman Center in Los Alamos National Laboratory for four consecutive summers. During his time there, Jun led a strategy initiative for an entrepreneurship program called NM LEEP, and worked with scientists to commercialize technologies in the market. Jun also co-oped at L.E.K. Consulting for six months, where he worked on numerous growth strategy projects with clients in the healthcare and pharmaceutical space.

Jun graduated magna cum laude from Northeastern University’s Honors Program with a combined B.S. in Psychology and Business Administration with a concentration in Finance.